Dare To be Loved

9-Week Group Program

Join our 9-week transformative group program to fall in love with yourself and master the laws of attraction.

Dare To Be Loved

Love is the most expansive and beautiful emotion we can experience. It is a gift. We need it, yet we’re terrified of it. It’s time to heal from your past experiences and learn to give and receive love freely. 

You deserve to experience the maximum amount of joy and satisfaction in life. Why wait a minute longer?

  • The woman who is ready to give and receive love freely.

    You may be single, married, divorced, dating, in a partnership, a situationship, or any other relational status.

  • Discover the Power of Self-Love and Meaningful Relationships! We will touch on topics such as self-love, body love, communication, nonnegotiable, compromise, connection, and universal laws of attraction. You will:

    • Learn to love yourself and attract fulfilling relationships

    • Master the laws of attraction for a deeper connection

    • Explore topics like self-love, communication, and compromise

    • Unlock the secrets to creating relationships rooted in want, not need

In Person Version

If you have a small group of up to 6 people ready to go through this journey together in

Nanaimo, BC, let’s explore how we can create the space to get started!

  • This is a 9-week group program. We will come together for weekly sessions where we learn, share, and support as a group. After all, love can rarely be expressed on our own. The ultimate goal is to realize that YOU are the one. You are whole and complete on you. As we go through this healing journey and grow together, you will discover the power of loving yourself first and creating relationships rooted in want instead of need.

    I recommend having a copy of "Calling in the One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas as an additional resource, but this is optional. I have found it impactful, but you will get everything you need during our sessions.

    Please note that we offer two versions: Virtual and In Person (in Nanaimo).

    • Community and connection with yourself and the group

    • Powerful self-discovery leading to self-love

    • Daily commitment to yourself and your goal

    • Being open to the process

    • Support and guidance in our weekly sessions

  • "I am SO GRATEFUL for Heather. Her flexibilty, support, encouragement, kicks in the bootie, all the things! Truly mean the world to me. I value this container and Her."

  • "Heather is super fun & her magnetic personality makes you want to know more, learn more, and integrate it into your life! There's just so much to know and she is a well of knowledge. It's worth it. Just book your session right now!"

    Description goes here
  • "Sitting down with Heather and having her explain my Human Design was so informative and eye opening!! It truly is like having a user manual to your own self/life!!! You can even go back to times in your life and have a-ha moments as to why things went a certain way. I wish I would have know about Human Design earlier."

  • "Heather Is an amazing coach! She really helped me move through a lot of my crap to get me going in my new business. I'm grateful for her and her reminders to keep moving forward. You rock girl!"

  • "It's all clicking! This entire Human Design experiment is feeling so real for me now. The only way I can describe it is easy. Like my only job is to trust, have faith, surrender and follow the things that excite me. I feel like on some level I've alwasy known this but now it's like i can truly embody it."

  • "To this day, if I’m ever struggling in my work, she is my go-to person to text or call to help me break it down. If you’re deciding to work with Heather, you’ve made a really great choice because you are about to a hell of a lot more LIT in your life!"

  • "Heather is a positive light to my life, but is also who can ‘call you out’ per se in a way to help you recognize a different perspective or meaning to a sometimes difficult situation. Not only is she a coach, but she easily becomes your new BFF. "

  • "I have worked with Heather for a couple of years now. Having gone through a major life change in 2018, I knew she was someone I could go to to help reignite my spirit and ultimately change my mindset."


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