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What is Human Design?

Now we're getting into the good stuff! Human Design is the tool that has MAJORLY shifted how I move through life. It's your User Manual. The ultimate permission slip. It just makes sense *mind blown*

WTF Is Human Design Anyways?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried every single personality test out there, from the Enneagram to Myers-Briggs to any and all Cosmo or Buzzfeed quizzes. I have been obsessed with finding the thing that would help me make sense of myself and, therefore, help me understand others. 

I’ve always been frustrated with personality tests because they seem so subjective to my mood. I answer questions in the moment, which, as a human, leaves the results very vulnerable to whatever I’m currently experiencing. 

Enter Human Design. 

What is Human Design

Human Design is a system that explains how your soul was designed and how it best responds to the world around you. It’s a logical system that blends the principles of the I-Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. Similar to your natal chart, your Human Design Chart, referred to as a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and location. 

The beautiful thing about Human Design is that it shows you where your consciousness or “decision-maker” exists and how to access it. Ultimately, it shows you how to live as your truest, most authentic, and fulfilled self. 

Your BodyGraph is like a blueprint or user manual for your soul. It is a tool to help you understand your uniqueness and offer a permission slip to accept and love yourself for who you are instead of resenting what you are not. 

I see so often [and have experienced myself] people putting so much pressure on themselves for everything they are not or things that haven’t worked out for them. More often than not, those feelings are rooted in comparing yourself to others or trying to force things that are actually out of alignment for you. Human Design allows you to disassociate from those self-critical thoughts, like an “AH-HA, there’s nothing innately wrong with me; I’ve just been living someone else’s life.”

It’s also important to note that every human is born with a special design that is perfect for them. No one is broken. No one was created to fail, struggle, or suffer. No one was born with a better design. We each have a purpose we are designed to live out, and our gifts and magic will all come to fruition naturally when we live our design.

Just like astrology or any other esoteric tool, it’s not predictive. Nothing is set in stone. You are a being with free will and can create whatever you want in this lifetime. But understanding your human design helps you understand why and how you tick, making accomplishing your goals and desires much easier. 

What is the purpose of Human Design, and How Can it help me?

First and foremost, Human Design is a tool meant to equip you with information that will empower you to make aligned decisions and actions that align with your favourite self. 

Two pieces of Human Design, called Strategy and Authority, specifically help you understand how you are meant to make decisions and take action in life. When you live guided by your body’s natural energies rather than fighting against them [which is how most of us have been taught to live], you live more easily and enjoy this experience. 

We live in a world with information and sensory overload and an insane hustle culture. We’re taught to make decisions from our minds rather than intuition. In Human Design, we understand that the mind is not meant to be the driver; the opposite is true–your mind is meant to be a passenger in the metaphorical car of your life. 

At the very least, understanding your Human Design will help you experience some sense of relief; you’ll see that all the mental stories you’ve held against yourself are simply not true. You are hardwired in a certain way, which is unique to you. 

What are the Different Energy Types?

There are 5 energy types in Human Design [originally, there were only 4, but the need to include a final energy type, Manifesting Generator, was discovered]. These energy types show you how you optimize your unique energy in all areas of your life. It’s how you create ease and flow. 

Each of these energy types–Generator, Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Projector and Reflector–have a specific description of your productivity, how you utilize opportunities [aka strategy], a signal that you are living according to your design [aka signature] and signal that you are living out of alignment [not-self theme]. 


Strategy: To Respond

Signature: Satisfaction

Not-Self Theme: Frustration

Generators are here to get shit done, but only the shit that excites them. They have a constant energy cycle, like the Energizer Bunny, which means they need to wear out their systems to have a restful sleep. 

You’ll know a Generator when you see someone glowing or doing something that they love or excites them. The rule of thumb for Generators is “if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no” because focusing your energy on the things that excite you is so important. There is no limit to what you can accomplish when Generators are living from that space. 

When Generators are living their human design, they are satisfied with what they’re doing. That said, it’s not uncommon for Generators to slip into overwork or people-pleasing mode because they know how much they can accomplish. This leads to frustration, which leads to feeling stuck and/or burnt out and like nothing moves forward no matter how much energy you pour into it. 

Generators, your gut is your guide. You know immediately what is right for you and what isn’t. This is your greatest gift—don’t be afraid to use it!


Strategy: To inform

Signature: Peace

Not-Self Theme: Anger

If there is one thing we know for sure about Manifestors, it is that they hate being told what to do. These beautiful souls need to feel a sense of autonomy in their lives. You have the gift to see things before anyone else does, so you’re here to get the ball rolling (aka initiate). 

But with that vision, you see so clearly that seeking some peaceful time between the burst of energy experience is important. Yes, Manifestors, you read that right–you have a permanent “self-care” priority pass because it is so important to not run yourself ragged by indulging in a little pampering.

When Manifestors live their design, they feel at peace with the things they create. Those Manifestors not living their design will see others around them creating or starting passion projects and develop an overwhelming sense of anger. Know that you can give yourself a pamper pass to realign with yourself and dive into your passion project anytime. 

The strategy for Manifestors is to inform, meaning you need to communicate your plans and needs with those around you to ensure you are in control. You truly value your independence and tend to be happiest when you have multiple projects at once, but you need to let people know what your game plan is BEFORE you get going. 

Manifesting Generator

Strategy: Respond then inform

Signature: Satisfaction

Not-Self Theme: Frustration/Anger

Manifesting Generators [henceforth referred to as Mani-Gens] is a beautiful blend of, you guessed it, Manifestors and Generators. You folks can multitask like no other, but know how you honour that magic power may look different daily. Mani-Gens, remember that your productivity and motivation can differ daily, but with a good night’s sleep, you will return feeling refreshed and rejuvenated the next day.

The strategy for mani-Gens is to respond [aka understand what your gut is telling you] and inform [aka communicate your plan of action AFTER you’ve responded to the opportunity that presented itself]. This is not an “either-or” or “vice-versa” situation; respond, then inform is your motto. 

Mani-Gens know they live their design when they feel satisfied, even content, and fulfilled by what they’re doing. When living out of alignment, they will take on projects or work they don’t like and stop honouring the wide array of things they love, leaving them feeling frustrated, angry, and maybe even a little resentful.   


Strategy: To wait for the invitation

Signature: Success

Not-Self Theme: Bitterness

Unlike our Manifestors, Projectors experience an ebb and flow of energy, albeit they experience it differently. Projectors are designed for fewer hours in the day because they don’t have access to any of the “motor centers” [otherwise known as non-energy beings]. Projectors get their energy from being around energy beings like Generators or Manifesting Generators. 

Because of this, Projectors are folks who appreciate efficiency. They are designed to be seen and recognized for their unique gifts, not the amount of “hustle” they put out. Projectors, put your unique gifts out into the world to be seen, and people will come to you to invite you to the right opportunities.

When a Projector lives its design, it experiences great success. If they do not honour their design, they will feel bitter and resentful.  


Strategy: To wait for a lunar Cycle

Signature: Surprise

Not-Self Theme: Disappointment

Ah, our sweet Reflectors. Reflectors are the rarest energy type, making up about 1% of our population. Just like Projectors, Reflectors are also “non-energy beings.” They mirror whatever energy they see back to the people they’re with, which means their energy usually varies. 

Reflectors, because your energy is so unpredictable, it is crucial for you to consciously rebalance and restore yourself, more so than any other energy type. You have beautiful individualism, and it’s important for you to hone that, but doing so requires time and patience because you are susceptible to energies swirling around you. According to your design, you should wait 28 days [or 1 full moon cycle] before making major decisions. This is how much time it takes to recentre yourself. 

When Reflectors live their design, they will feel surprised and delighted by the distinctiveness that develops in their lives. Your life [even each and every day] is so uniquely different, and so are you. When Reflectors are not living their design, they can feel disappointed about how things are rolling out for them or like they can’t keep up with everyone else. Just remember Reflectors, you are not supposed to. 

What are the Different Authorities?

Simply put, your authority is how you make decisions. When looking at your BodyGraph, your Authority is represented by the energy centre filled in or defined the most. This is where your intuition lives [yes, everyone has intuition, but everyone accesses it differently]. For example, someone with a mostly defined solar plexus has emotional authority and is driven more by feeling than logic. 

Emotional Authority

Emotional authority types feel everything, so it’s important to ride the emotional wave fully before deciding. You can get caught up in the hype of a moment and say “yes” to something, but 24 hours later, when the initial excitement wears off, you realize that you should have said “no.” The rule of thumb of our emotional authorities is to wait to be calm and centred before making your decisions. 

Sacral Authority

Sacral authorities experience a very visceral reaction in their bodies when making decisions. They need to feel lit up inside before they say yes; otherwise, it’ll be a no.

Splenic Authority

Splenic authorities lead with their gut, allowing them to make instant decisions. You just know if something is right for you or not. Remember that your intuition lives beyond your consciousness, so it may not always make sense, but can you trust that it will always lead in the direction that serves you best? 

Ego Authority

In Human Design, your ego is your heart’s desire. And for people with ego authority, this is even more so. You will feel it in your chest when you are meant for something. It can sometimes seem selfish, but you must follow where your heart is pulling you. 

G-Centre Authority

G-Centre authorities need to discuss things to help clarify the best decision for them. They need to get outside of themselves and hear feedback and perspectives from others before taking the next step. G-Centre Authority is also known as “Self-Projected Authority,” meaning that they don’t necessarily need to take advice from outside sources, but they do need the discussion to help them gain clarity on their true desires. 

Mental Authority

Mental Authority, or Environmental Authority, uses observation to make decisions. You note your surroundings and use those keen observations to determine whether a decision feels good to you or not.  

No Inner Authority

No Inner Authority means that none of your chakras are defined, hello Reflectors. Because of this, you need to wait 28 days to make the best decision for yourself. Your thoughts, feelings, and how you experience life change daily, so it’s important to give yourself the space to go through the motions and figure out what is true. Otherwise, you may be influenced by the energies of those around you.

Where did Human Design originate from?

Human Design was created by Alan Krakower, who now goes by the name of Ra Uru Hu, a former advertising executive and magazine publisher from Montreal, Canada. In the 1980s, while living in Ibiza, he was guided by a “Voice” for an 8-day, resulting in the revelation of Human Design and the 400-page textbook, which he published in 1992. While this may sound like a crazy origin story, human design has been studied and has become an incredibly specific tool for learning more about who you are, how you are wired to make decisions, and how you work with others. By blending all those modalities, the result is a comprehensive overview of you. Trust me, all it takes is one look at your BodyGraph and one reading, and you will be shocked at its accuracy. 

Human Design has changed my life. It’s made me much more loving and accepting of myself and others. It’s helped me to embrace my natural gifts. It’s brought more peace and ease into my life. My life used to feel like an uphill battle that led nowhere. Still, I now know it only felt that way because I was very clearly trying to force things that weren’t meant for me because of external influences [I’m an Emotional Generator]. There isn’t an area of my life that hasn’t drastically improved since I started living my design. 

I hear feedback from my clients or anyone else who has been introduced to human design, saying this is one of the most impactful resources that lead to a breakthrough. Like they finally understand who they are and why they have experienced life as they have. They wish they had discovered it earlier. 

And if you’re ready to dig in and start living your design, you can book your Human Design Reading with me here: 

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