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Manifest Your Glow-Up by the End of the Year

This is how you will manifest your glow-up by the end of 2024–in any area of your life!

In this article, I’m breaking down:

  • The exact steps you need to take to achieve your goals before the end of 2024

  • How to define your goals 

  • Your pragmatic manifestation formula 

  • Turning your goals into achievable outcomes

  • Taking daily action to turn your dreams and goals into reality

I don’t know about you, but around this time of year, I realize there are only two months left, and the year hasn’t turned out how I intended when I set my goals in January (or refined them in June).  My mindset immediately goes one of two ways:

  1. “With only two months left in the year, I will give up for now and try again in January.” 

  2. “There are still two months left of the year; I will jump back into action and finish the year strong.”

Reading that, I bet you could feel the difference between those two statements, and the second one feels much better, doesn’t it?

I know this to be true: on any given day, at any given time, you have the power to start again, reinvent yourself, and manifest your glow-up. 

We have these arbitrary times structuring our lives, and we give so much power over us. The reality is your life will continue happening whether you’re throwing in the towel on your goals or not. Your life will continue to happen; it won’t wait until January 1st to start. Start right now. Decide that you are worth your glow-up at any time. If you start now, think of how much further ahead you’ll be when January rolls around, and you have momentum already built from how incredible you feel. 

There is no better time than right now to pour into yourself and create your dream life!

Here’s how you’re going to manifest a glow-up in any area of your life by the end of the year:

Get clear on what you want 

This may seem obvious, but so many people miss the mark at this first stage. People often set a goal for what they think they should achieve instead of clarifying what they actually want. 

We’re often told from a young age what success should look like. We’re shaped by external influences, which are now reinforced by things like social media. Then, we spend our adult lives burning out to achieve things that don’t make us happy, fulfilled, or successful. Most of us don’t realize this is what we’re doing and accept it as part of being an adult. 

Take this moment to get clear on what you want to manifest by the end of the year. What would make you feel like the glow-up has happened? If you went to bed on December 30th, and while sleeping, all barriers, blocks, struggles, and limitations no longer existed, what would your life be like when you woke up on December 31st?

I like to set my goals in three core categories:

  1. Life (fitness, mindset, social, travel, etc.)

  2. Money

  3. Business/Career

I write down 2-3 goals for each category. 

Practical Manifestation: Becoming Your Glow-Up

Now that you’re clear on what you want, your secret sauce to achieving your glow-up is to embody it now. 

Ask yourself, “Who is the version of me who already manifested these goals?”

I think of this activity as if I’m creating a character in the story of my future. Like I’m writing a novel or a movie. It helps me create enough space to get creative, clear, and detailed enough that she feels real to me to the point where I can connect with her. 

Journal on these prompts:

  • How would you describe her? Like you’re talking about her to your best friend.

  • What do you notice about her? What stands out to you?

  • What do you love or admire about her?

Tap into her mindset

This step will help highlight the thoughts, beliefs, and stories that need to shift for you. You may not even notice how your mindset is limiting you from your glow-up. This activity will help you get clear on the shift and reframes you need by looking at the powerful, positive mindset that created your glow-up and then at the differences or gaps between your current mindset and your glow-up mindset. 

Start by journaling:

  • What does she believe about herself? About others? About the world?

  • How does she speak to herself? 

  • How does she talk about herself?

  • What is her mindset like?

  • What thoughts typically cross her mind?

  • When she faces a challenge, how does her mind respond?

Another way to think about this is to ask what thoughts and beliefs she is NOT entertaining.

Tap into her energetic frequency

This is about vibes. Similar to the exercise you just did, this will help you feel your glow-up and become an energetic match for it. The way your mind and Universal Laws work is integrity and congruency must exist. Which basically means, like attracts like. You can’t be a doom-and-gloom person and attract happiness and success. Those effectively reject each other. The example I always give my clients is with lottery winners. The majority of people who win massive jackpots end up depressed, anxious, and in financial ruin reasonably quickly. The reason is that they haven’t had their glow-up to become a person who values and aligns with being a lottery winner. Having that much money isn’t integral to who they are, so they make poor financial decisions because they ultimately don’t feel safe having it. 

This will help you stop being a self-sabotaging, imposter syndrome queen. 

Journal on these prompts:

  • What does her energy feel like?

  • How do other people respond to her when she walks into a room?

  • How does she feel having received your desires, your glow-up?

  • How does she feel now that your dreams and goals are her reality?

Tune into the feelings and energetic frequencies of what it feels like to have what you desire as if it is your reality right now. 

Tap into her actions, behaviours, and patterns

A series of your behaviours form your life, and your thoughts and feelings form those behaviours. It’s all interconnected. Now that you thoroughly understand your glow-up self, it’s time to notice how she moves in the world. 

Journal on these prompts:

  • What actions does she take to support her goals and dreams?

  • What habits or patterns did she adapt to achieve your glow-up?

  • When she’s faced with a challenge, how does she overcome it?

  • How does she typically choose to spend her time? 

  • What inspired action do you feel called to take to move the needle forward toward your glow-up?

Turning your goals into achievable outcomes

You have set clear goals. You know who you’re embodying to attract your glow-up. Now, you will break your goals into small steps, otherwise known as achievable outcomes.

During this action phase, the goal is to commit to doing something every day that moves the needle forward. It doesn’t have to be big or perfect, just something to help you create momentum. 

Your daily to-do list

This is your checklist that will help you stay on track:

  • Get into your glow-up energy every morning. You can do this by reading your journal prompts, meditating, visualizing, tapping, affirmations, or working out. Whatever helps you align your mindset and energy to her.

    • Actors often talk about something that helps them drop into their character. This is a similar activity. I recently heard Dominic West say there was one sentence he would say that helped him become King Charles for The Crown. It can be that simple. 

  • Play the role. Allow her to model your daily life. In the morning, choose your outfit, hair, and makeup based on how she presents herself. Choose your meals based on how she likes to eat. And so on. You are her. 

  • Write 1-3 inspired actions you will take toward your glow-up. These daily actions add up and compound into big changes over time. Don’t sleep on this action item. 

  • Notice when and what limiting beliefs, thoughts, stories, energies, actions, habits, and behaviours come up that don’t align with your glow-up. These are inevitable and an essential part of your growth. Please resist the urge to judge or make them mean you're failing or unworthy or that the glow-up isn’t working. There’s no shame here, just a normal human experience. The trick here is to bring awareness to what’s coming up and then choose something different that aligns with achieving your goals. 

    • This is arguably the most challenging part of creating change and achieving success. Awareness without shame or judgement will be your game-changer because it will give you the power to choose better for yourself.

  • Have FUN with this! You don’t need to be rigid, serious, or develop any superstitions. You can’t mess up what is meant for you, and your glow-up IS meant for you. The more fun you have aligned with your glow-up, the more you elevate your energetic frequency, supporting and attracting your manifestations. 

You’re ready to get going! Go and manifest your glow-up! 

Want to accelerate your success? ✨ Your Ultimate Glow-Up ✨ is a personal 9-week coaching program with Heather as your teammate, cheerleader, and accountability partner. 

✨ Your Ultimate Glow-Up ✨ includes:

  • Nine weekly virtual 50-minute coaching sessions 

  • Guidance and support between sessions via email, text, and voice note 

  • Personalized pragmatic manifesting formula that you can rinse and repeat

  • Mindset Tools, including customized meditation, tappings, hypnosis, worksheets, journal prompts, TIME Technique, etc. 

  • A welcome gift from Heather

  • Learn more about Your Ultimate Glow-Up

Book a 15-minute alignment call now!